Monthly Newsletter

January 2024!!

Happy New Year to you!

Linguistics Justice League (LJL) is excited to share our first update of the year! 

In January we hosted language and culture workshops for refugee kids in partnership with World Relief Western Washington. LJL launched the “Heritage Hub” project, which collects voice data in marginalized languages and has been selected by the Nasdaq Entrepreneurial program for mentorship.  LJL has been approved to offer the US Presidential Service Awards to our volunteers. The LJL team welcomes new volunteers, Angelique and Allison! LJL aims to impact 100,000 marginalized language speakers by the end of this year and is well on our way to achieve this goal! Also, check out an interesting article on second language acquisition by Yaejun Myung, our new dynamic and passionate social media coordinator!

January Newsletter Cover 2024

Workshop with World Relief Washington

The Linguistics Justice League organized a workshop in collaboration with World Relief Washington. We organized a “Finding your trusted adult” awareness program for Washington state’s refugee children. 

LJL volunteers created a skit for the children and had the kids do some of our activities in both English and their native language. We plan to translate our skits into multiple low resource languages such as Dari and Pashto. 

Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center selects Heritage Hub!

One of LJL's goals is to democratize AI and technology making it accessible to speakers of all languages across the world. To achieve this goal, we kicked off our exciting new project called "Heritage Hub". Heritage Hub is a digital platform where users can share cultural stories in their native languages and get compensated for their voice and text data. We plan to use this voice data to help train ML models and make them more accessible in low resource languages. Nasdaq Entrepreneurial program, with mentors who are renowned entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and executives selected LJL and our Heritage Hub project for their mentorship. They are helping us reach our goal of impacting 100,000 marginalized language speakers by the end of 2024!

Short Story by a refugee from our workshop!

Here is a short story written by Fatima during our recent Language Interaction Workshop! The story is about the journey of a young girl from Mexico to the US and how she navigates the challenges of a new life. LJL volunteers were moved to see how well Fatima was able to express herself in English within one year of being in the US! Way to go Fatima!

The US Presidential Service Awards

Linguistics Justice League partnered with Points of Light to offer the U.S. Presidential Service Awards to our exceptional volunteers. Recipients will be honored with a personalized certificate indicating their achievement level—Gold, Silver, Bronze, or Lifetime Achievement. Select awards will also include a letter from the President of the United States. Our volunteers will receive an exclusive pin, coin, or medallion to symbolize their dedication and achievement in volunteerism.

Welcome to New Volunteers!


Meet Angelique, a language aficionado with a master’s degree in Applied linguistics, specializing in computational linguistics. When she’s not immersed in the fascinating world of words, she’s a freelance language analyst, bringing her passion for languages to life. Beyond the academic realm, she loves connecting with people from diverse cultures, adding a warm and personal touch to the vibrant tapestry of language exploration.


Allison is an undergraduate pre-law student at Washington University studying Anthropology, Linguistics, and Legal Studies. Her interests lie in the exploration of language, culture, and environmental studies, particularly how these elements interact with politics and the legal field. She is passionate about contributing to LJL’s mission to make language learning accessible to underrepresented and low-income communities.

Editorial - Second Language Acquisition. What is it?

By Yaejun Myung

 As a second-generation Korean-American, I have always been surrounded by a diversity of languages. Although I speak English every day at school, I am surrounded by Korean culture, language, and food, as soon as I step into my home. Thus, gaining the ability to speak two languages has been less difficult for me than for others who do not share a similar situation as I do. Instead, in attempting to learn a new language, these people go through a process called Second Language Acquisition.

Second language acquisition, otherwise known as SLA, is “an increasingly interdisciplinary field that draws on various branches of linguistics as well as cognitive psychology, educational research, sociology, and neurology to describe exactly how second languages are learned by different individuals in different contexts, and to explain the biological, cognitive, and social mechanisms underlying these phenomena” ( More simply put, second language acquisition explores the different facets of learning a new language, and considers several factors that relate to one’s demographic and other circumstances.

SLA has always been a prominent area of study in the area of linguistics, as schools have always offered foreign language classes and teachers attempt to find the most effective way to teach their students. It becomes increasingly relevant in this modern day and age as cultures begin to mix and cultural awareness becomes more critical. Through the study of second-language acquisition, people gain the ability to understand the crux of cultures polar from their own, and mutual understanding increases amongst people. As researchers attempt to find the most effective methods in SLA, people are able to broaden their worldview to contribute to a more interdependent community.

Submit an Article

We are pleased to present our monthly newsletter! Every month, we will feature an editorial article relating to linguistics and latest NLP innovations in this space. Please contact us if you would like to submit an article

Join LJL's Research Lab

Multiple Volunteer positions and Research opportunities available. Fill out the form