Social Interaction Workshop: A Day of Learning and Giving Back

A Day of Learning and Giving Back

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This past week, we held an incredibly rewarding social interaction workshop in collaboration with the Refugee Resettlement Office (RRO). The event was filled with meaningful activities, learning, and an overwhelming amount of support from participants of all ages. We would like to extend a heartfelt ‘Thank You’ to each person who participated, as well as to our generous donors who made it all possible.




Donated (50 backpacks + 300 Diapers)


Cultural Stories Collected

Activities and Achievements

One of the highlights of the day was the team-building activities we organized. These games and activities were not only fun but also created a sense of unity among the participants. The smiles, laughter, and friendly competition truly exemplified the spirit of community and togetherness that we strive to foster. One of our most cherished moments from the workshop was when we collected more than 15 stories and drawings from the participants about their culture and heritage back home. Each piece was a vivid portrayal of their roots and a testament to their resilience. We witnessed an incredible display of talent and creativity, and we look forward to publishing these beautiful works of art and compelling narratives for the world to read. As a token of appreciation for their contributions, we presented gifts to the children who participated. Their faces lit up with joy as they received their presents, making it one of the most rewarding experiences of the day. We also had a surprise for our little friends - we brought prizes for them, and their excitement was truly contagious!

Making a Difference​

Our workshop reached over 25 participants spanning various age groups. But what made us prouder was the impact we could make beyond the walls of the workshop. Thanks to our generous donors, we were able to donate over 300 diapers and more than 40 backpacks to the Refugee Resettlement Office. These contributions will go a long way in supporting children in need.

Fostering Connections and Community

One of the primary objectives of our workshop was to improve social interaction through storytelling. And we are happy to report that we achieved this goal! The workshop provided a platform for people to connect and learn from each other. It was wonderful to see new friendships and connections being made, and we are grateful to every participant for contributing to this vibrant and diverse community.

Thank you!

In conclusion, we would like to extend a huge ‘Thank You’ to everyone involved – Jessie, Sameer, Jennifer, and the rest of the RRO staff, our donors, and of course, our wonderful participants. Your support, participation, and unwavering commitment to making a difference in the lives of refugees are what makes LJL a thriving and diverse community. Stay tuned for more updates and future events!

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