LJL at World Science Congress Forum


At the recent World Science Congress Forum, that brought together the brightest minds from various scientific fields, Subha Vadlamannati from LJL had the unique opportunity to present about our organization and the latest advancements in Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology. The presentation was an immense success, providing a valuable platform to connect with film producers, documentary creators, and entrepreneurs, by enabling us to explain the motivation behind the work we do – primarily supporting refugees and immigrants.

We were not only able to share our mission and vision but also gained valuable insights from the Congress members. These insights were instrumental in identifying potential areas for LJL to expand. Engaging in meaningful conversations with over 100+ industry professionals in film production and documentary creation was an enriching experience, and we were thrilled to have driven awareness about linguistic justice and language diversity worldwide.

The Congress was not just about presenting our work, but also about learning and growing. We came back with three tangible takeaways to improve LJL and our services:

Takeaway 1

Expand in Central/South America with the help of partner organizations from Chile. This would help us broaden our reach and provide our services to a larger demographic.

Takeaway 2

Cultural assimilation is preventable through technology. We aim to develop and implement technology-driven solutions that can help preserve and promote cultural diversity.

Takeaway 3

Add voice/video translation to reach a broader audience. By enhancing our services with voice and video translations, we can make our resources more accessible and user-friendly.

These takeaways are not just plans for the future, but immediate goals that we are already working towards. The insights and feedback we received at the Congress have been invaluable in shaping these goals.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to the World Science Congress Forum for providing us with such a remarkable opportunity. We are excited about the road ahead and are more committed than ever to our mission of promoting linguistic justice and language diversity worldwide. We look forward to continued collaboration with industry professionals, partner organizations, and all those passionate about language and cultural preservation.

Our presentation at the World Science Congress Forum was an enlightening and rewarding experience. We drove awareness about linguistic justice and language diversity worldwide, made meaningful connections, and gained important insights that would guide our future endeavors. We’re excited about the opportunities that lie ahead and are committed to making the most of them for the benefit of the communities we serve.

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