Natural Language Processing and Artificial Intelligence event

Linguistics Justice League partnered with creAItivity to host an event to gather ideas to help bridge the gap between low and high-resource languages through Artificial Intelligence!

We hosted an event on 🌟 October 29th 🌟 where teams learned about NLP (Natural Language Processing), APIs, and came up with project proposals to help low-resource communities learn English! 


Subha Vadlmannati, founder of Linguistics Justice and CreAItivity’s Chief Marketing Officer, Breanna Burke and Chief Marketing Officer, Eera Bhatt introduced themselves. Gave an over overview of both their organizations!

Project Requirements

Teams reviewed LJL’s recently launched EduLang, a multilingual story library app. Reviewed project rules and requirements in detail

Project Ideas and Visuals

Event organizers gave an overview of the past projects, design mock-ups and visuals by keeping the end product in their mind


Introduction to Natural language Processing and Artificial Intelligence. How LJL utilized Neuralspace API to build multilingual mobile library app.  

Elevator Pitches

Event participants to share their project ideas and how it can help speakers from low-resource languages learn English.  

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Each cohort presented their final proposal and the winning team received a chance to develop their project with the Linguistics Justice League and received gifts from our sponsors

Event takeaways

We have multiple events planned throughout the year i

Submit feedback

Please contact us

Please donot hesistate to contact us if you have any questions. Please contact us if you would like us to host similar events at your organization!

Event Organizers

We highly appreciate all the time that the LJL and CreAItivity team by putting their time to make this event a grand success!

Subha Vadlamannati

Breanna Burke

Eera Bhatt

Eshaan Barkataki

Yanbo Fang

Lealam Birhanu

Jacquie Rowe

Event Sponsors

We are extremely grateful 🤲 for our generous sponsors Taskade ,Interview Cake, AoPS and Balsamiq Cloud for their support of this event! ✅

Join LJL's Research Lab

Multiple Volunteer positions and Research opportunities available. Fill out the form