LJL Explores Language Barriers in Collaboration with Connect Institute

LJL Explores Language Barriers in Collaboration with Connect Institute

LJL in partnership with Connect institute conducted a series of engaging conversational style interviews to uncover the language challenges faced by diverse individuals and communities.  The interviews were very insightful and  illuminated the far-reaching impact of language barriers on everyday life, work, education, healthcare, and legal services, providing a powerful glimpse into the daily struggles of those navigating linguistic divides.

Connect Institute Agadir
Speaker Series
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The Impact of Connect Institute in Morocco's Alternative Education Landscape

Connect Institute, a non-profit social enterprise based in Morocco, is a leader in alternative education serving more than 500 graduates at their center between 2014 to 2020. Based in Agadir, and counting on a large network across Morocco, the institute offers its members a stimulating environment for the mind and the senses.

Connect Institute Team

A special thank you goes out to the Connect Institute team and their willingness to candidly share their experiences

Mariana Haikimi

Mariana Haikimi

Fatima Zohra Mesrar

Fatima Zohra Mesrar

Amine Kaoutar

Amine Kaoutar

Labib El Idrissi Wafae

Labib El Idrissi Wafae

LJL Team

Thanks to our LJL volunteers and their dedication to facilitating these conversations

LJL team

The collaboration between LJL and Connect Institute served as a window into the genuine implications of limited language access.

LJL has uncovered poignant narratives from individuals who have encountered challenges in their daily lives. One participant shared their experience with reading a book in English, where they couldn’t comprehend the material, while the same content in Arabic proved lucid and illuminating. Shockingly, the issue of language barriers even extended to libraries, where a dearth of diverse book options restricted access to information and learning materials. The scarcity of resources, from language learning centers to qualified teachers, emerged as a recurrent theme, underscoring the pressing need to address this pervasive issue.

The ripple effects of language barriers in everyday life and career prospects were very apparent during these interviews. The struggle to communicate effectively, whether in job interviews or routine interactions, has proven to be a major impediment, stifling the ability to articulate thoughts leading to missed opportunities. Beyond this, the lack of language proficiency led to a slew of misunderstandings and miscommunications, thus negatively impacting interpersonal relationships.

The impact of language barriers on education, healthcare, and legal services was laid bare through these insightful conversations. In Morocco, where French is the primary language of instruction, individuals grappling with the language face barriers when attempting to pursue higher education in specific fields. Similarly, within healthcare settings, language barriers have the potential to compromise patients’ ability to articulate symptoms and understand diagnoses. 

The speakers shared a spectrum of strategies they used  to overcome language access challenges. These ingenious approaches spanned self-directed learning through reading, music, and films, alongside leveraging technology such as language translation apps. The value of immersing oneself in different cultures and engaging with native speakers was unanimously agreed as a foolproof method for building language skills. The importance of making education accessible in multiple languages emerged as a key solution to bridging linguistic divides.

As the interviews underscore, the consequences of language barriers reverberate far beyond mere communication obstacles. They have a huge influence on education, healthcare, job prospects, and social integration. Organizations and institutions need to understand the significance of language access and proactively offer resources, interpreters, and translated materials. In doing so, they have the potential to eliminate language as a roadblock to crucial services and opportunities, paving the way for a more inclusive and equitable society.

LJL and Connect Institute gained a lot of valuable insights into the complex challenges posed by language barriers. The interviews stand as a stark reminder of the importance of language access and its transformative potential. By championing comprehensive language services, organizations and governments can dismantle barriers, empower individuals, and foster a world that celebrates and accommodates linguistic diversity in all its hues.

Thank you!

A special thanks goes out to the Connect Institute team, Mohammed, Amine, Fatima, Hakimi Mariam, and Wafae L. Your willingness to candidly share your experiences has been invaluable in shining light on the issue and underscored its urgency. Thanks also to our LJL volunteers, Subha, Rich, and Joseann, your dedication to facilitating these conversations is much appreciated!

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