What We Stand For

Advocate, Innovate, Educate, Change

One of the main barriers for refugee and immigrant success is language. It is scientifically proven that leveraging a person’s strength in their native language helps them learn another language fast. Unfortunately most commercial products ignore Low Resource Languages mainly spoken by refugees and immigrants.

We believe in preserving and celebrating multilingual aptitude and build on a learner’s knowledge of another language when helping them learn. We support students by providing them multilingual resources and make learning fun by leveraging technology. 


What We Stand For

Our Values


We advocate for individuals who speak low resource languages by leveraging social media, culture awareness blogs and translating books from their culture into mainline languages. We champion transformative solutions by improving awareness of these issues among policy makers and by collaborating with other like minded organizations in creating the foundation for lasting, equitable change.

Our Values


We build novel technologies that enable people across the world to communicate with each other seamlessly.  Our technology focuses on low-resource languages which are neglected in the status-quo.

Our Values


We build solutions that accelerate language learning of English learning youth around the world by generating bilingual content that these learners can relate to. 

Our Values


By making language education easier for kids, we expect to impact their socioeconomic status through easier access to STEM subjects earlier on in life.  Additionally, by educating English-speaking people about low-resource languages and increasing access to their native content, we enable an understanding of their culture and eliminate stereotypes. 

Our Value Proposition

Lack of English translation material for low-resource languages.

We span across the continuum of reading fluency, comprehension and writing fluency

We make learning fun and strive to retain and take advantage of the learner's knowledge of their native language.

We can be integrated along with existing English teaching curriculum




Join Our Community

Time to Act

Linguistics Justice League works hard every day to help US immigrant students achieve their dreams of building a fruitful life in this land of opportunity. We work with our partners to both create higher education opportunities for students and hunt for mentors willing to support the next generation of innovators. However, we are reliant on our global community of enthusiast and activists to bring about true change. To learn more about what we do and to keep up to date with future opportunities, consider signing up for our upcoming newsletter. We will send you occasional updates about the organization and let you know how you can help the next generation of immigrant and refugees build a life of their dreams. We cannot wait to see what LJL and you can do together.

Join our Newsletter!

We are pleased to present our monthly newsletter! Every month, we will feature a theme relating to the latest technology in the world. By subscribing, you will acquire interesting knowledge about Machine Learning & Natural Language Processing and learn about LJL initiatives.

Join LJL's Research Lab

Multiple Volunteer positions and Research opportunities available. Fill out the form