Monthly Newsletter

Unleashing Potential and Embracing Diversity
LJL's April Achievements

April has been a busy and exciting month for LJL, as they achieved some significant accomplishments that are worth celebrating. From participating in the NYLC conference to launching new features and translations on their Edulang platform, LJL has been making strides towards their goal of promoting language learning and cultural exchange. Let’s take a closer look at some of their achievements.

National Leadership Youth Council Conference

Linguistics Justice League (LJL) made waves at the National Youth Leadership Council (NYLC) for Service-Learning Excellence Award conference in Nashville, Tennessee, where they were one of just five teams selected to attend with a full scholarship. Subha Vadlamannati, the founder of LJL, and Eshaan BarkatakiEduLang (a LJL product) co-chief technologist, presented their innovative project, EduLang, to an enthusiastic audience of government officials, organizational leaders, and strategic partners.

Edulang App Unveils New Translation Feature for a Seamless Learning Experience

Edulang app, is currently undergoing improvements to enhance its users’ learning experience. One of the significant upgrades being implemented is the updating of its translation system.

The translation system will provide line by line translations, which will prove to be an invaluable tool for readers. This feature will help learners to better understand the text they are reading and will significantly aid in their language acquisition.
This new feature will also allow learners to see the translations of individual words by simply hovering over them. This function will prove to be very helpful for learners who are just starting to learn a new language and are not yet familiar with the vocabulary.
The line by line translation system will allow learners to view translations for specific phrases and sentences as they read. This means that they will no longer have to switch between reading and translating, thus saving them time and making their learning experience more seamless.
The improvements being made to the Edulang app's translation system will significantly enhance the learning experience for language learners. The line by line translation system will provide learners with a more efficient and effective way of learning, ultimately leading to improved language acquisition.


Have you watched our founder, Subha Vadlamannati’s recent TEDx talk on “Are We Ignoring 3 Billion Voices?” If not, you’re missing out on an insightful and thought-provoking speech that sheds light on a critical issue in our world today.

Subha’s talk highlights the fact that over 3 billion people worldwide are marginalized due to their language, leading to inequalities in education, employment, and more. As language professionals, we have a responsibility to amplify these voices and advocate for linguistic justice.

Linguistics Justice League is dedicated to promoting equitable access to language resources and education, and Subha’s talk aligns perfectly with our mission. We encourage all of our members and partners to watch this talk and join us in the fight for linguistic equity.

Let’s work together to create a world where every voice is heard and valued. Check out Subha’s TEDx talk now and join the movement for linguistic justice!

OneWorldNow - Give Big Campaign

Subha Vadlamannati, Our founder was humbled to be mentioned in the OneWorld Now!’s article! Linguistics Justice League resonates with OneWorld Now!’s mission promoting linguistic diversity and multilingualism as essential components of social justice. We believe that every individual has the right to express themselves in their native language, and that language should never be a barrier to accessing education, healthcare, or any other fundamental human right. We encourage everyone to contribute to OneWorld Now!’s #givebig campaign, so that more young people can benefit from their language and cultural immersion programs, and help build a more linguistically diverse and equitable world for all.​

Casa Latina

LJL was at Domestic Workers Assembly event at Casa Latina!  We had a great time volunteering with kids. We played many games, Charades, Origami, Lingo-Bingo, Word Creation, Drawing etc. 
LJL would love to help build any technology that Casa Latina needs to run the activities efficiently. 

Submit an Article

We are pleased to present our monthly newsletter! Every month, we will feature an editorial article relating to linguistics and latest NLP innovations in this space. Please contact us if you would like to submit an article

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