T-Mobile’s Changemaker Lab Presentation


Changemaker's lab

EduLang, led by young change-maker Subha, won the Family Challenge Winner title at the 2023 T-Mobile Changemaker ChallengeSubha Vadlamannati and Eshaan Barkataki had the opportunity to present to T-Mobile’s senior leadership team at T-Mobile’s Headquarters in Bellevue, Washington on October 3rd, 2023.

Changemaker lab
T-Mobile changemaker
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T-Mobile’s 2023 Changemaker Challenge Lab

EduLang’s Unique Approach

EduLang stands out as a unique solution. Unlike existing products, it focuses on languages with limited resources and offers live translations that keep the original text intact. EduLang’s app translates children’s books into 108 languages, and users can upload their own books for translation, enhancing language skills while preserving their native language.

As the daughter of an immigrant, I can personally see how valuable this app would be, not only for language learning but also for preserving languages for future generations.

Judge's feedback

Feedback 1

I really appreciate the creative use of children's books to engage users. I can already see the positive impact your app can have.

Feedback 2

I love that you're not just focused on teaching English but also on preserving language and cultural diversity. It's a fantastic initiative.

Feedback 3

What an amazing initiative! I am truly inspired by your ability to tackle a challenge you encountered while leading your STEM work. Well done!

Feedback 4

Great job on creating such an awesome concept! I really appreciate how you have been open to feedback, observed, and made adjustments to better serve your audience.

EduLang team's plan is to expand language support and focus on speaking, listening, and writing skills. Assessments will personalize content, and users will be able to hear stories read aloud with instant feedback. Partnerships with language translation organizations and content creators will enrich their offerings.
EduLang's journey is just beginning, and they aim to bring linguistic justice to the thousands of languages spoken worldwide. Team is determined to raise awareness and reach tens of thousands of users in the next year.
LJL Commitment
We are committed to breaking language barriers and empowering communities. We will continue to reach more families and kids in the coming months.
Subha Vadlamannati

More than just a translating app

Leverages strength in your own native language

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